Celebrating birthdays with a twist


Significance of birthday

Since ancient times birthdays have held a special place of honour in an individual’s life. Of course, most of us today are familiar with the Western European custom of putting as many candles as the birthday boy’s or girl’s age on a cake, having them blow it out and then distributing the slices among all the attendees, but few know that before this form of celebration became popular, in India there was a custom of sending a small gift such as a poem or a calligraphy set or flowers, after which there would be a small feast in the evening hosted by the person whose birthday it was. Birthdays have a special religious as well as astrological importance too, so each birth anniversary was considered a landmark event in the person’s life. Emperors used to famously give away their weight in gold on this day. Even today we have official bank holidays for the birth anniversaries of special people who have contributed to the nation’s prosperity in some way or the other.

Revival of old customs

History has a way of repeating itself and nowhere is it as apparent as in the changes in the rituals surrounding birthdays. Today in this day and era of fat free gluten free products birthday cakes are considered to be unhealthy junk food because they contain high amounts of sugar and carbo hydrates which fatten the body. Sugar contains no essential nutrients which is why it is often known as ‘empty calories’. Add to that the fact that there is a danger of overloading your liver by eating too much fructose. Research has shown that this can cause serious problems like Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease because of the high production of V L D L Cholesterol particles. Finally studies have also demonstrated certain links between high sugar consumption and insulin resistance (which can lead to Type II Diabetes), hormonal changes in the body, weight disorders (such as obesity in both children and adults), and even heart disease. Hence people are ditching the birthday cake custom in larger and larger numbers. Now the modern method of expressing good wishes for someone has become to gift them some beautiful flowers that they can appreciate instead. The popularity of this trend has sky rocketed due to the availability of quick and easy birthday flower delivery. Birthday flower delivery can allow a person sitting in Fatehpur Sikri to send flowers to Kolkata within the short span of a day or so.

Hassle free delivery

The rise of the internet has eliminated the middle man. So many dying industries are reviving due to the ease of payment and ordering through the internet. Gone are the days when a middle man used to transport flowers from the producer and re sell it at a higher price. Flowers have become easier to view and cheaper to buy. To order flowers online Mumbai is no longer an issue thanks to consumer friendly sites and apps.

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