Why Roses are Red


The winter season is approaching, and it is once again the time to be jolly. Most parts of India experience a delightful weather during this time of the year. Moreover, the different festivities and celebrations such as Christmas, New Years and Valentine’s Day make this season even more special. In addition to that this is the time when most people also prefer to get married. Hence every other day during this season seems to be like a day of great happiness and joy. However, one thing bothers me about winter is that with so many events coming up it becomes a little confusing to know what items to gift on these special occasions. It was only last week when I had two invitations in three days. As usual, I was utterly confused about what to buy as gifts. So, I did what I do most of the times. I looked up the best gift items for marriage anniversary on Google. Once I was done browsing through the different lists, I then searched for the best presents for weddings. To my surprise, both the lists had the same thing topping the charts. Apparently, the best gift for these occasions is a bouquet of red flowers. This experience made me wonder that what it is about red flowers which appeal to us. Hence, I researched few quirky facts about them, and this is what I found out:

How Do Roses get the Red Color?

One thing that has always intrigued me is how do roses get their red color. Scientifically speaking, roses being red or of any other color is no different to people being born with different colored eyes or for that matter hair. It all depends on the genes of the person or in this case the flower. The color of the rose is directly related to the presence of various types of pigments present in them. If the flower is dominant in pigment Anthocyanins, then the color will be red, blue, pink or purple. On the other hand, if a rose has the pigment Carotenoid then it will be orange, yellow or red. It is the only difference between a red rose and any other rose.

Why is a Bouquet of Red Rose Suitable Gift for Every Occasion?

It is common knowledge that red is the color of love and red roses are the symbol of it. It is, for this reason, a well-designed bouquet of rose is a perfect present irrespective of the occasion. If you give someone red rose, then it means that you are giving your love, affection and best wishes to the person receiving it. It shows how happy you are for them and just how much you care for them. Hence, no matter who you are presenting a gift to, is it a lover or a family member, a mentor or a colleague they are sure to appreciate your gesture. It is what sets red roses apart from the other flowers. Be it any rose, you can send rose bouquet to anyone you love with a mix of red, pink and white roses. This means that you respect, love and care for that dear one.

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